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Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Message of Hope...and Happy Easter

This was shared at our church this morning as a powerful message of hope and God's love that was shared from one high school football team to another back in 2008.

It's too good of a story not to share with all of you.

I hope your Easter Sunday is spent in the company of loved ones and time is spent reflecting on how much God has blessed each and every one of us.

Here's the article by ESPN's Rick Reilly. Read it first, then watch the video below (if you're reading this via e-mail, you may not be able to see the video. Head over to the site to view.)

It's never been, and will never be about wins and losses....but it's about how we're preparing our young people for the game of life...and beyond.

Enjoy, and God bless.

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