First thing I want to
Pretty cool, huh?
The inspiration was this tutorial on how to make an old looking boxing poster in Photoshop. I saw it and immediately wanted to apply it to the Orrville/Wooster rivalry. Usually this is where my ideas hit a wall, but this time I had a photoshop expert in the family and he brought it to life. My brother-in-law Jeff did the heavy lifting and breathed life into my ideas. Pretty sweet if you ask me. If you have any graphic design needs, contact me at the link above and I'll get you his information. This took him maybe an hour from start to finish.
I know it's too late in the process, but I think this would look cool as a program cover. PS - It happened.
November 1, 2010
The 100th game is a wrap. Orrville wins 42-17. Click here for my overview on the game and festivities.
October 28, 2010
So....where is everyone going to park & sit this Saturday? I contacted Wooster AD Keri Hamsher about seating and parking and this is what she said....
About seating
We are moving the bands out on to the field (beyond each endzone) to open up that section. We are working on bringing in small bleachers for overflow that will be on the North end. The hard part is that our fence is on the outside of the track and the bleachers cant be more than 5 rows because of Health code. We are going to borrow bleachers from Orrville too.About parking
Parking is going to be the biggest issue I think. We have multiple lots that will be available for people to use. The high school west lot will be used first of course, then Kean Elementary across the street will have a few spots, but all of our players, coaches and staff will be parking over there.
We have also received permission from the large church on Oak Hill (Nazarene Church) across from the softball field and Ida Sue to use their lots. The parking lots at the corner of Burbank and Oldman (city soccer field) are also going to be available to use also.
We are asking that any RVs or larger vehicles park at the church to limit the loss of multiple spaces in the high school lot. We are also going to rope off some of the front spots for handicap parking.Sounds like "jungle rules" to me. I'd say this...if you're able-bodied...park far away. It's going to be a nightmare getting out of that area after the game anyway, so if you're parked farther away from ground zero, you may get out easier. Sure wish they'd open up that whole soccer complex for parking on the fields...but understand why tire ruts in a soccer field would be bad. Park up at Buehler's Milltown and walk down.
Gates will open at 5:30pm...hope everyone has a ticket so the line moves along. Orrville should have that embarrassingly small visitor section filled up by 5:45pm and I'm sure the crowd will be standing around the fence several fans deep.
I know one thing...I wouldn't want to be the people counter on Saturday. Guessing 7,000-8,000 isn't out of the question. 50/50 payday could be very lucrative.
October 27, 2010
The game preview is up, click here to read.
October 25, 2010
The Orrville-Wooster rivalry has been added (by someone who may or may not run this site) to the Wikipedia page of high school football rivalries (100+ years). The list is sorted by when the rivalry began so scroll down to 1903 to find the Orrville-Wooster listing. Not too many rivalries started before this one. If the list on this page is gospel, it's the 6th longest running rivalry game in the state.
I think there's two other area rivalries that have played more games (Doylestown/Rittman is one I think), but those didn't start until the 1920's and they played each other twice a year until the formation of the WCAL int he 1950's.
October 24, 2010
The Daily Record's Aaron Dorksen has done a great job of summarizing the week's events. The article is here, and below is the summary of events from the article.
ORRVILLE-WOOSTER FESTIVITIES -- To get fans primed for the 100th game there are a plethora of activities that will take place leading up to the kickoff.
Here's a day-by-day look at what will be taking place, provided by athletic directors Keri Hamsher (Wooster) and Kent Smith (Orrville):
Noon -- Annual Wooster-Orrville Captains luncheon will be held at Wooster Country Club.
1:30 p.m. -- The Orrville senior class will lead its annual "Beat Wooster" pep rally at the school.
6 p.m. -- A "March to Maurer" parade will be led by the Wooster High School Marching Band, with a theme of "Haunt the Riders." Former players, cheerleaders, coaches and managers are invited to meet at the Cornerstone parking lot dressed in Blue and Gold or the Halloween theme.
7-8 p.m. -- A community Pep Rally will be held at Maurer Field, with special recognition for teams from 1960 and '86, a dedication for former coach Roman Majerczak, student contests, along with band and cheerleader performances.
8- 11:30 p.m. -- An "After Party" will be held at Greenbriar Conference Center for ages 21-and-over, sponsored by Wooster All Sports Boosters. Entertainment provided by "The DTz"
7 p.m. -- The Riders will hold the annual "Beat Wooster" parade and bonfire at Orrville High School.
9 p.m. -- Orrville's adult "Beat Wooster" party will begin at Senor Pancho's Restaurant.
SaturdayInteresting that the Wooster "rally" is on Thursday and the Orrville "rally" is on Friday. Wonder if that will open the door for Orrville and Wooster kids to "infiltrate" the other towns festivities?
7 a.m.- 6:30 p.m. -- Kiwanis Pancake Day will be held at "WHS Commons."
11 a.m. -- Community members are invited to decorate "Road to Victory" at the Dean Davis football locker room and Oldman Road.
11 a.m.- 3 p.m. -- Walking tours of Cornerstone Elementary (old high school), Maurer Field and (new) Wooster High School will be held, featured by past programs and yearbooks on display.
4 p.m. -- The "Generals Army" tailgate party will begin in Wooster High School Parking Lot. Awards will be handed out for best-decorated vehicles.
5:30 p.m. -- Gates open to Follis Field.
6:45 p.m. Follis Field -- Pregame festivities begin, highlighted by honoring past football alumni from both teams.
7:30 p.m. -- Hype and pregame talk is over, 100th game kicks off!
More t-shirt madness. The OHS class of 2011 is selling "Woo Who?" t-shirts as a class fundraiser. Shirts will be available at the OHS Athletic Office, at Expert T's on Main St and at the Clear Fork game tonight. $10 each. Thanks to Kevin Summers at Expert T's for sharing the pictures and info. Click each picture for a larger version.
October 19, 2010
Here's the schedule of events on the Wooster side of this rivalry. The Mauer Field tour is especially interesting. Note that the gates will open at 5:30pm, but I'm sure the line will start much earlier than that.
October 18, 2010
Tickets are now on sale for the 100th Orrville-Wooster game at all three Orrville school buildings. It would be foolish, in my opinion, not to buy presale tickets if you plan on going. I have no idea how many tickets Wooster plans on selling, but my guess many as possible. Avoid the lines at the ticket window.
October 17, 2010
Just updated the history of Orrville-Wooster games with last years 15-7 Orrville win. Since 1972 (the year the OHSAA state playoffs began) Orrville holds a 25-12 advantage in the series. That's two Orrville wins for every Wooster win. I think this year's game is shaping up to be another classic. Still one more week to go before we can "officially" talk about it.
October 14, 2010
Here's the design that will appear on a commemorative football for the game. Ball will be sold at cost for $50. One panel of the ball will be white for autographs.
I like it...I think that design would look real good as a jersey patch too.
October 12, 2010
Had this t-shirt sent to me by e-mail.
Awesome. One of the better Orrville t-shirts I've seen. Factual and timeless, too.
I've never heard of Best Brothers as a t-shirt supplier, but apparently they are out of Smithville (I believe they have some kind of tie to Orrville though). Here's the only info I could find on them. If you like the shirt, give them a call.
I'd love to feature other Orr/Woo apparel here too. Just shoot me an e-mail.
October 11, 2010
The Parade of Players
Here's a link to the information regarding the 'Parade of Players' that will take place before the kickoff of the game. Please contact AD Kent Smith (or AD Hamsher if you're a Wooster alum) to register. Should be great to see all the past players, and will definitely drive home the point of tradition to the young men playing the game.******************************************************************************
October 10, 2010
My Thoughts and Ideas
Here's some of my initial thoughts and suggestions about the game and even some things I'd persue if I were in chargeCentennial Showdown?
First off, a bit of a technicality. Over on (where all the worlds problems are solved, right guys?), it was mentioned that calling the game "The Centennial Showdown" is a bit of an inaccurate term.
The term 'centennial' refers to the 100th anniversary of something. Like how the United States Bicentennial in 1976 celebrated the 200th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, centennial, in this instance, would actually mean the 100th anniversary of the first Orrville/Wooster game...and that's already 2003.
Maybe 100th game would have been better (and more accurate) to use. is what it is, logos have been made and t-shirts are no doubt in the works. For the non-sticklers, it will be good enough I suppose.
Color vs Color
An idea that's been brought up is the thought that both Orrville and Wooster be permitted to wear their home jerseys, red and blue respectively, for this game. Nothing would be cooler in my opinion....but there is this little rule in the OHSAA handbook that may prevent it.
I say rules, schmules....let's make it happen.
Coin Toss
This may happen anyways, but I'd love to see former coaches Mo Tipton and Bob McFarland be the ceremonial captains for the opening coin toss. Combined, the two have 300+ coaching wins under their belt and were at the helm of each school during the glory years of the rivalry.
Midfield Handshake
As a gesture of sportsmanship, I'd like to see the two teams meet at midfield for a full team handshake. Nothing wrong with having mutual respect.
Combined band performance
Easy enough....our band is small, but sounds good. Wooster's band is huge...and sounds good. Put them together and play some songs from the different generations. I don't know why I remember this, but one of the games in the 80's over at Mauer Field, I remember the WHS band doing something with lights on their uniforms. I remember it being cool. They turned off the stadium lights for extra effect.
This game will have a huge turnout and maybe that could be put to good use by raising money for a local charity. Maybe pass the bucket on each side of the stadium, the side who donates the most gets bragging rights....but a local charity gets some much needed funding support also.
Michael Buffer
You know....the "Let's get ready to rumble" guy? Can we fly him in to do that right before kickoff? Look...he has a website and a contact e-mail. Let's give it a shot.
You know what...nevermind....according to this site, it's $10,000-$20,000 for his fee. Yikes.
A Rivalry Trophy
This has never existed in this rivalry. I say the 100th game is the perfect time to start a new tradition. Here's a trophy that was awarded to the winner of the Elyria-Elyria Catholic game earlier this season.
It was paid for by the City of Elyria's police and fire department. Helmet came from the Riddell football equipment company who has a factory in Elyria.
Any other ideas....let's hear 'em???
We do have a trophy that the winning team receives. It just hasn't had a name like most rivalry games do like "the wagon wheel" "Paul Bunyan's Axe" etc...
I think it would be cool to do the dual helmet trophy, and give it a unique name. As for that name, I'll leave it to the creative people!
there should be a big tailgate party beforehand. Cornhole, food, games etc.
how funny is this...i went to the wooster city schools website and there was a poll asking who would win the of the time of writing this orrville had 5731 (92%) vs wooster with 472 (8%)...what faith they have in us....Go Riders..wish I could be there but rooting for ya in Lake Havasu City AZ
My brother was a great player for the Orrville Red Riders, class of 1971, Jimmy Johnson. He was an exemplary player who brought the Fellowship of Christian Atheletes chapter to Orrville. When the Wayne County Football Hall of Fame needs new honorees, they should bestow the title to this former captain. He is still a man of integrity.
Mrs. Conrad,
I don't believe the nomination process is a closed process. Anyone can nominate anyone for membership.
Follow this link for nomination information as well as a form.
You listed very impressive accomplishments that I'm sure would make his a serious candidate for induction.
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